To all of my regular readers: I am in the final push of my crazy busy insane sewing/skating summer schedule. Posts will continue to be light for a while, but with any luck I should be back sewing things for myself (or at least postable objects) by the end of next month. In the meantime, let's take a look at the latest Burda magazine...
The Russian Burda website once again is the source for the
first look at the new issue. Overall I have to say this issue looks like something of a mixed bag for me. There are some patterns I really really like, and some that leave me a bit puzzled. All in all it is much better than July though (not that that took much effort).
This issue somehow seems to be "the jacket issue." Pretty much all of the god stuff was a coat or jacket of some sort:
Coat love! The shape is classic and lovely, but the single lapel is modern and interesting. And it is blue! What more could a girl want in a coat? |
Simple clean lines... |
Looks nice in green too! |
Love this short jacket in all of the variations... |
Ok, so I am not such a fan of the sleeves... |
...but the body part of this jacket is awesome! I'll just steal the sleeves from another pattern. |
Love the cape with the built-in scarf. Never really wanted a cape before, but this one has maybe changed my mind... |
I fell in love with these pants during the early preview... |
Want! Love the shape, the pockets, everything! This is going in my to-sew list. |
A few more pieces are worth mentioning. Not really anything to get too excited about, but, well, wearable enough I guess:
Not a fan of the tabs over the hips or the boxy cut on this coat, but I do think the shape of the collar is interesting. |
Sort of generic, but I do like all the seam lines for shaping (though they may be hard to see with this print). |
The crazy peplum top... |
With a few alterations to the shape of the peplum this could actually be quite cute. |
Dress is ok... |
....but I like it much better in lace. |
Another dress that is wearable, but not exciting. |
Not really a fan of this jacket, but I think the hideous colors might be throwing me off a bit. |
With a color change the skirt might look quite cute though. |
The "exclusive" pattern for the month. Flowy and pretty, but not super exciting. |
As I was going through the Burda Plus section I kept thinking that the designs weren't spectacular, but I also kept thinking that I might end up using a fair number of these patterns because they look like things my sister might wear:
Button down dress is pretty cute. |
You can see the details better in the line drawing. |
Love this simple dress! |
Super wearable and comes with pockets! |
Hmmmm... doesn't this look familiar? |
Yup, it is the vintage reprint from last November graded up for the Burda Plus sizes. |
Short jacket looks pretty cozy. |
And I can definitely see myself using this cardigan pattern in the future. |
Ok, while I agree that the picture frame around the crotch might not be the best look for everyone... |
This pattern could be super useful, even if only for PJs. |
Of course, along with the good stuff this issue had a fair number of head scratchers as well:
The neck ruff makes me think of a demented clown. |
Can't decide if it is better or worse as a dress. Especially when the pattern looks like it is covered with spider webs. |
Why does Burda think we want to dress like out great grandmothers? Between last issue and this issue I am beginning to wonder if the Grandmother look is a hot trend or something. |
An bizarre cross between Downton Abbey and Star Trek. |
Ok, now this sweatshirt is maybe not inherently bad. But it makes me think of the 80s. Actually, the overall impression of a lot of the clothes makes me think of the 80s. No evil 80s! Stay away! |
And, well, normally I don't discuss the kids fashions, but in this issue I thought these little coats were too adorable to go unmentioned:
Super cute coat for girls. |
And a classic one for boys as well. |
And that's what I got. Which means it is time to pick the best and worst patterns of the month. This month for me it wasn't too hard; for me the Best of BS August 2013 obviously goes to:
Blue coat! |
The coat looks classy, elegant, and modern I thought the design was simple, wearable, and unique. Also, the color blue may have swayed me decision a little bit. Maybe. A little.
As far as the worst pattern of the month, it was a bit more of a challenge. Mostly because all of the weird stuff is so evenly matched. In the end though I think the BWTF August 2013 must go to:
Downton Trek shirt. |
It just doesn't make sense in terms of design or fabrication. As Mr. Spock would say, "That shirt is illogical."
So there it is! What do you guys think? See anything you really like, or is this issue a pass for you? Feel free to discuss in the comments!