Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Obsessive Sewing

Have you ever had a project where you decided you were going to finish it tonight, no matter what?  Well, I just had one of those projects.  I have three more items I am wanting to sew before the sibling heads overseas.  However, I know that the black coat is going to take quite a bit of work, so I decided that I was going to finish the other two projects (a skirt and a cape) tonight.  No matter what.  The skirt was mostly done (just had to sew the side seam after a fitting), so that didn't take hardly any time at all.  I mean, I still need to hem the thing, but I can do that by hand later.  And the cape looked pretty simple, so I figured I could just bang it out.  I mean, a few mostly straight seams, how hard could it be, right?  Well, hard it wasn't, but loooooooooooooooooong it was.  Silly Burda and all their tricksy details.  Like flaps, pockets, and topstitching.  Not to mention I had to cut out 21 pieces plus interfacing.  Ugh.  Cutting takes forever.  In any case, I am sure the neighbors hate me (well, I did move my sewing machine so it is now sitting next to an outside facing wall) since I stayed up sewing until nearly 4am.  Woo.  But. It. Is. Done.  Except for 4 buttonholes (doing those by machine when I get up), interfacing the hem (I forgot to do it earlier, so I will do that in the morning also), sewing on the buttons, and sewing down the hem and facings by hand (to be done later in front of the TV....).  But yeah, I really wasn't motivated to do this project, so I sort of forced myself to finish in one sitting.  I was calling it the "European Travel Cape" because that is its intended purpose, but after staring at it for so long and puzzling over the Burda directions, and because of how it looks I am nicknaming it the "No Sh*t Sherlock Cape."  I think once I post pictures the reason for this will be more apparent.

In any case, does obsessive sewing infect anyone else?  Or is it just me?  Do you get obsessive over projects you like or projects you don't like?  When sewing for others do you wish you had stolen the fabric for yourself so you could have used it for something else?  This is what I ponder after sewing for seven hours....

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