Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Joann Sales - Simplicity and Burda!

I guess since September is National Sewing Month the sewing gods have answered my prayers and Joann will be having a 3 day pattern sales that inclue the Burda envelope patterns!  I plan on using that 10 pattern limit in as many stores as possible, because who knows when there will be another Burda sale?  I may also have to bring along a couple of family members as well...  I really think Burda has so many fabulous patterns, I am quite excited.  In any case, Simplicity will be on sale for $1.99 and Burda envelope patterns on sale for $2.49 September 8-10.  Super excited.  Allow me to apologize in advance to those of you I may inadvertently shove out of the way as I make a beeline for the Burda pattern drawers.


  1. I will be right there with you, shoving all who get in my path out the way! I even "previewed" the catalog last time I was at Joann to get a headstart on picking out the ones I want. :]

  2. Yeah... I carry a pattern wish list with me at all times. It saves time as I can walk right to the drawers and start pulling patterns. Since I will be bringing others to help I may have to create a divide and conquer list for this trip. Right now I have something like 35 Burda patterns on the list...

    Even better - I have a dental appointment tomorrow (has been scheduled for several months) so I can get to Joann's second thing in the morning since I have a legit reason to be out of the office.
